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50 YEARS OF CARRIAGE HOUSE! Help us build a reimagined outdoor learn & play space!

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Life at Carriage House

Carriage House offers a rich educational experience for children. We’d like to introduce you to a few of the elements that make our days special. From forming healthy habits in our garden to creative expression in music class, our children are constantly discovering the world around them.

Active Minds, Active Bodies

Our approach encourages children’s natural energy through integrating movement into every aspect of the day. Children move freely in classrooms and teachers weave yoga, dancing, and other physical activities into their routine.

Digging into Our World Through Gardening

Our garden helps children develop a holistic appreciation of the world around them. Science and math concepts come to life as children tend plants and watch them grow. Children are introduced to sustainable food practices through our vegetable garden and composting program.

Melody & Movement

We believe music can enhance children’s development and experience of the world.

We’re so committed to the arts as part of our approach that we employ a full-time music teacher who works with each classroom weekly. Our music room sparks imaginations through instrument and movement props in a dedicated creative space. Music assemblies bring the children together in our gymnasium to raise their voices together. Children aged four and up attend Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra concerts and participate in the “Singing with Rover” program with Animal Friends, in which they sing to a visiting dog.

Room to Move

We believe children need room to grow. Students utilize a variety of spaces within and without Carriage House over the course of a day. Our campus includes multiple playgrounds and access to a park across the street. Our all-purpose rooms, porches, and gymnasium offer ample space for indoor play.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Carriage House partners with several organizations to offer extracurricular activities on-site. Children can try something new or refine their skills in soccer, tennis, or dance—with the convenience of doing so during the course of their day at Carriage House. Parents purchase lessons directly through the providers. Learn more from our partners below:

Forming Healthy Habits through Nutritious Food

We know that healthy habits start early.

We cook all our food on-site from scratch and integrate as many fresh ingredients as possible. We work closely with parents to accommodate any allergies or parental preferences. Our menu meets federal standards for nutrition through The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

Healthy fruit on a plate